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An eye enucleation is the surgical removal of an eye, which is sometimes required for pets. We can help you with that at Pleasant Valley Veterinary Clinic in McMurray, PA. The procedure is conducted on painful blind eyes that do not respond to treatment anymore. It may seem off to some, but this is the most humane treatments of threats like euthanasia, neoplasia metastases, and constant pain. 

While most owners do not readily accept eye enucleation, animals are much happier without a painful eye. 

Why Your Pet May Need an Eye Enucleation

Eye enucleations relieve uncontrollable pain from certain eye problems in your pet. Common reasons for enucleation may include neoplasia (cancer around the eye), glaucoma, irreparable trauma and severe inflammation that is treatable. If the pet's eye is blind, but the animal is comfortable, enucleation may not be necessary. However, if your pet has a painful eye, he will be in distress, and enucleation may be the only solution to alleviate this pain. Sometimes, it’s even better than long-term medication.

What to Expect after Veterinarians Perform Enucleation Surgery?

The pet's eye is removed during the surgery process, and then the eyelids are stitched together. Some stitches can be removed after around two weeks, while some will be buried in the socket. Expect the eyelids to swell and show some bruising. You might also see some red-tinged fluid seeping from the incision. That is normal. There is no need to worry.

In the first week after surgery, the swelling will reduce, and the socket will flatten. After around 14 days, you can remove the collar after the incision heals.

Signs to Show Your Pet's Eye Has a Problem after Surgery

Infection in a pet's eye could pose a danger to the animal after eye enucleation. A swollen eye one week after surgery and the presence of pus in the area could be evidence of an infection. In such a case, the infection requires antibiotics and drainage.

Visit Pleasant Valley Veterinary Clinic in McMurray, PA, to Determine Whether or Not Your Pet Needs Eye Enucleation

At Pleasant Valley Veterinary Clinic in McMurray, PA, we offer your pet a wide range of veterinary services. Our team is dedicated to providing superior pet care as every animal friend deserves to be happy, joyful, and playful. If your pet friend has chronic eye irritation and is uncomfortable, talk to us. We will help determine if eye enucleation is the most suitable procedure to get rid of the problem once and for all. Call us at (724) 941-5484 to schedule an appointment with one of our veterinarians.
